The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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WHAT'S NEW FOR HBMS (History File)
VERSION 4.31 (July 1992)
Fixed a bug which only occured when beginning a new year and re-using the
same Chart of Accounts. If any of the optional files (TEMPLATE.yr,
DUEDATES.yr, MACROS.yr, HCONFIG.yr) were missing, the system would hang.
VERSION 4.3 (April 1992)
1. New INSTALL program. It unpacks the compressed distribution files to
your disk, creating directories if necessary. Also prints the
2. New "password" feature, personalizes your copy of HBMS.
3. <F3> A Pop-Up calculator!!!!
4. <F4> Macro support, assigns multiple keystrokes and/or operations to
one function key.
5. <F1> key pops up a reminder of other function keys.
6. <F2> now calls the Code-Help screen originally assigned to <F1>.
Code-Help now makes use of other <KEYPAD> keys!
7. Support for foreign date formats and currency symbols.
8. "JUMP to DOS" capability from Main Menu or Action prompt.
9. Select between two "calculator" styles of numerical entry.
10. EMS memory support for overlay file. (speeds up loading overlays)
11. Two new command line parameters NOEMS and NOSOUND.
12. Begin New Year Changes: <1> Now passes forward Templates, Names, and
Macros. <2> You have the option of specifying a different data path
for the new year. <3> You can choose to pass the old year's MTD
totals to the new year's budget figures.
13. On Templates, if a date is supplied, it will be carried into
Ledger Posting.
14. On first access to Ledger Posting you will be prompted with the
system date.
15. In the Reconciliation section, MARKing a check now steps to the next
line down.
16. Better trapping of errors in check printing instructions.
17. Documentation improvements, plus a QUESTION and ANSWER SECTION.
BUGS FIXED (from v4.21)
1. The average figures for Assets and Liabilities were calculated as
Year-to-Date averages, just like Income and Expenses. They now
correctly average the balances instead.
2. The page numbers were off in HBMS.DOC, but no information was missing.
3. On printouts a Carriage Return was sent after a FormFeed for the last
page. This left a character in the buffer on laser printers.
4. The printer "device" was left open under certain circumstances.
Under the right conditions it could have caused conflicts in other
parts of the program.
5. On Sorted Ledger printout, an extra page with nothing but a header
could have been printed if the first page was full and no more
accounts were requested.
6. Templates were not carried forward when beginning a new year.
7. If a disk error occurred during template functions, it could have
overwritten part of the screen.
VERSION 4.21 (May 1991)
Released mainly to fix a page length problem that affected laser
printers. Although the correct number of lines were sent, some laser
printers inserted their own form feed. In order to avoid this, HBMS
now sends one less line per page. HBSETUP has also been improved with
better use of function keys.
VERSION 4.2 (December 1990)
1. Printer and color configuration is now much simpler and easier to
use. You can choose printer commands from a list of over 35
different printers, and select from 7 different color combinations.
Editing the configuration is still allowed. Printer and color setup
has been moved to a separate program, HBSETUP.EXE. Since changes
were made, you must run HBSETUP in order to create new support files.
2. YOU CAN NOW NAME YOUR BUDGET SYSTEM! The name appears in printed
report headers, and on screen.
3. The directory of your data files is also displayed on screen.
4. The command line parameters now require a prefix.
5. The on-screen Chart of Accounts help (F1 key) now displays more
information at a time, and is quicker to read.
6. The Chart of Accounts is now printed in up to 4 columns per page.
7. New Shareware screen which can be disabled with information supplied
to registered users.
8. Did away with ENLARGED ON and OFF printer commands. They were
causing problems with some new printers. Also changed Chart of
Accounts printout to Condensed (17 cpi) pitch. It used to be in
Elite (12 cpi). All reports now use Condensed for consistency.
Elite is still available for check printing. The sample printed
report is now smarter.
9. The SOUNDS ON/OFF selection has been moved to Account Maintenance.
10. Author is now a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals.
BUGS FIXED (from v4.11)
1. If you ran out of disk space when trying save an accounts file,
HBMS would not report it.
VERSION 4.11 (December 1989)
Released to fix the following bugs. (no new features)
1. If entries were made out of date sequence, the new sort feature
incorporated in v4.1 could cause balances to be displayed wrong
on sorted reports and in the reconciliation section. No data
was affected, only the report was in error.
2. The "Ledger by Account" printed ok to a printer, but when directed
to a file, it printed the header only.
VERSION 4.1 (November 1989)
1. Repetitive or similar transactions can now be saved to "templates".
Whole screenfulls of transaction data can be easily inserted with
a couple of keystrokes.
2. Ability to assign due dates to these templates to remind you about
any transactions due.
3. The editing features in Ledger Posting have been improved:
a. Now you have the ability to delete a "Target" item without
affecting any remaining lines below it.
b. When editing, you now have the option of retaining the "Source"
amount or setting it back to zero. If retained, HBMS will act
just as it does when the data was first entered. In other
words, a checksum will be kept and you will be alerted if you go
over the source amount, or stop before satisfying that amount.
Before, HBMS would allow you only one chance to do this.
c. In order to make the above feature easier to use, the Up and Down
arrows work slightly different now. Before, if you used Down
arrow at the ACTION prompt, it jumped straight to the first
Target amount. Now it stops at the Source amount.
d. In normal posting mode, if you enter a source amount HBMS will
prompt you with the remaining balance on Target amounts. When
editing, this feature was disabled so that any correct amounts
would not be changed. Now if you are editing, and do not set the
source amount to zero, you have the option of using the F1 key to
insert the remaining balance.
4. New "calculator" style input for numerical entries. A number field
can be zeroed by the first digit typed, a Backspace, or an ESCape.
5. ESCape key now works more consistently. No more having to hit ENTER
on a "null" value, the ESC key will do. Also, if you decide not to
accept a prompted value (such as an account code), the first typed
character will erase whatever was there before. No more having to
use ESC to blank the field first.
6. "Setup" now incorporated in the main program. (no HBSETUP.EXE needed)
7. Sorted Ledger reports are now sorted by date first, then check #.
8. All printed reports can now be directed to a file.
9 File export now writes in a "Standard Data Format" to an ASCII file.
It is comma delimited and strings are enclosed in quotes.
10. Budget "Totals" routine changed to a multiple entry scheme.
11. All "entry" fields appear in the same color now. (makes it more
consistent and easier to select colors)
BUGS FIXED (from v4.01)
1. If you tried to "KILL" the last transaction screen of data left in a
month, HBMS saw negative record numbers, and would fail.
2. If you went to Reports, View, or Account Maintenance from the Action
prompt (in Ledger Posting section), there was a slight possibility
that a printed check might show the wrong balance or month.
3. Now, absolutely no printed report will be more than 59 lines for 1/6"
line feed, or 79 lines for 1/8" line feed. Some printers insist on
providing their own form feed if the page exceeds 60/80 lines.
4. If you used the "Y" selection from Main Menu to load data from a
different year or disk, AND the current open month of the new data
was the same as the data you just left, AND you had already accessed
the Ledger Posting screen, HBMS would continue to use the old LEDGR-
m.yr data until you attempted to change months. This was a nasty
bug, but there was only a remote chance that ALL the circumstances
would be met.
5. If you left the "Data path" field on the opening screen blank, there
was a small possibility that HBMS could check the wrong disk for free
6. In the reconciliation section, if your HBMS balance was a negative
amount, and did not agree with your statement amount, an incorrect
"difference" amount could be reported.
VERSION 4.01 (February 1989)
* Provided new documentation on HBSETUP program as well as clarifying
other parts of main documentation.
* Started to include the information to print checks, which was
previously provided to registered users only.
* HBMS will now display in black and white, unless you create an
appropriate COLORS.HBM file via the HBSETUP program. This avoids
problems with amber monitors on color cards.
BUGS fixed (from v4.0, main reason for this release)
* In the re-sequence routine, all previous versions did not prevent you
from specifying the same position number for both the code to be moved,
and its intended position. This of course would serve no useful
purpose, but if it did happen, the code would be rendered inaccessible.
Also the Category resequence screen failed to list the position numbers.
* In the Ledger Posting section: (1) if you were prompted with a
remaining balance in a TARGET amount field, and (2) used the DEL key to
delete the numbers shown but left leading spaces, and (3) decided to
abort by striking the ENTER key, the program would hang. This should
have been a rare occurrence because the ESC key is far quicker and
easier to use than the DEL key, and this event could only happen under
a combination of the above three circumstances.
* In the Reconciliation section, if you cleared all checks in the last
fiscal month, the program would flag the first month as having
uncleared checks. Ordinarily this would cause no harm unless you
started your budget in the middle of your fiscal year. HBMS would not
find the missing "LEDGR" files (inexcusable bug). Also if you "edited"
a checking transaction, it would not adjust the last uncleared month if
necessary. (minor annoyance)
* In check printing, if you tried to print a date field after printing
a script amount, the date would be corrupted. (Should have been a rare
* When trying to print a "Sorted Ledger by Account" and the account in
question contained no entries the page length was not checked. If this
happened near the bottom, it could cause it to run over.
* Would not let you "change" an account in a "full" category. This
condition could be overcome by changing the account to another category
first, making the change, and then changing back to the full category.
VERSION 4.0 (November 1988)
* Faster operation throughout.
* Improved documentation.
* The long awaited transaction editing ability.
* You can now have a fiscal year different from calendar year.
* Check printing by user-designable format.
* Select your own screen colors.
* New setup program for colors and printer commands.
(improved printer support)
* Ability to go straight to Account Maintenance or Reports from the
"Action prompt" in Ledger Posting.
* Change to a different budget year and/or path without quitting.
* Ability to reconcile liabilities. (credit cards purchases, etc.)
* Delete accounts already marked for reconciliation.
* Much more careful with your data. Full I/O error trapping allows a
second chance when a full disk or other Input/Output problems occur.
* Handles paper out or other printer errors.
* Ability to pause during printout or abort printout.
* Now resets printer back to normal after printouts.
* Erases the data area in reports when changing accounts.
(avoids confusion)
* New opening screen and command line parameters.
* Escape key now works on all menus.
* New insert feature on input routines.
BUGS FIXED from v3.14:
* If the beginning month was different from the first fiscal month,
the average totals would be calculated wrong.
* An extra title page was sometimes printed on income/expense printouts.